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C.A.N.S. Around the Community

Register your team HERE!

Join us for a rousing competition between businesses, neighborhoods, friends, and faith communities in Windsor and Severance to fill the Windsor Severance Food Pantry with quality, nutritious non-perishable food and win the honor of the top pantry filler. Form a team, and challenge Windsor and Severance to Fill the Windsor Severance Food Pantry!

The food and funds gathering competition will take place between October 1st and 21st. Funds may be donated online at any point (be sure to note your team name!), but bring food and cash funds to the Windsor Middle School Fields (900 Main St.) on 10/21 between 9am and 1pm. The winner is the team with the most donated funds and food AND the Windsor Severance Food Pantry!

Join us on Saturday, 10/21 from 9am to 1pm to deliver food, see how you “stack up” and join in CANgineering fun for the whole family.

How to Join In:

1) Gather your team of 2 or more people, and challenge your friends and neighbors to form their own teams or join yours!

2) Pick a team leader, and register your team here. The best name gets bragging rights!

3) Use our Food Drive Toolkit (and Social Media Posts) to plan your strategy for bringing the most food and funds.

4) Bring your food and in-person fund donations to the Windsor Middle School Football Field (900 Main St.) on 10/21 between 9am and 1pm and see how you stack up as we determine the winner and see how far we can go around the field!

May 9

Sip, Swap, and Shop: Feed Our Neighbors and Our Minds

March 12

Sip, Swap, and Shop: Feed Our Neighbors and Our Minds